Work Ethic: Leave Your Feelings at the Door

When we go to work, we should leave our feelings at home.
Feelings Can Get in the Way
Feelings can make us do things we might regret. They can make us say things we don’t mean. They can make us not do our best work.
Why It’s Hard to Separate Feelings from Work
Sometimes, our feelings are strong.
They can be hard to ignore. But we need to try.
How to Leave Your Feelings at the Door
- Take a few deep breaths before work
- Think about what you need to do, not how you feel
- Focus on your tasks, not your emotions
- Work is work, and feelings are feelings
What Happens When We Don’t Separate Feelings from Work
- We might make mistakes
- We might hurt someone’s feelings
- We might not do our best work
- We might get stressed or burned out
Benefits of Leaving Your Feelings at the Door
- We do better work
- We have better relationships with coworkers
- We are happier and less stressed
- We are more professional
It’s not always easy, but it’s important to leave our feelings at the door.
Try it today and see the difference it makes!